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November 2023 Brags

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Ilene bragged: Holli, Kalil Cool Holiday Romance FCAT, ATT got a Group One and a Group Two at the Vancouver KC shows. She is still #2 cairn bitch in the country. 

Hilary bragged: Ch GCH Scotch Broom Golden Hind of the Isles (Drake) on Oct 21 earned his Elite 2 title; placing 7th out of 30. He is the third Cairn in the US and Canada to title at that level.

Cindi bragged: Sunny and Ben had a great time at the Toto Trot; winning the pin the tail on the Cairn game.

Peggy bragged: Kinloch's William Wallace earned his level 1 Vehicle title and CH Kinloch's Intentional Walk at Robinsend earned his level 1 Interiors and his level 1 Exteriors titles.

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