Local kidney ultrasound screenings are now available year round.
Breeders are able to get reduced rates as low as $99 per dog if they arrange for over 10 dogs at a time with VDIC and Dr John Feleciano DVM, DACVR.
Other rates:
- 5-10 dogs, $109
- 1-4 dogs, $191
Ask for Patty when you call VDIC 877-751-8342 and let her know you are with the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club.
Most screenings will be done at their Tualatin office.
Feel free to contact Ilene Kaplan kaplani@union.edu for help or if you have questions.
Members — you may want to post an entry on this blog if you have litters that you would like to combine with others to get over the 10 dogs/puppies needed for the best rate!