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  • Code of Ethics

    The Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club Code of Ethics represents its members’ commitment to the welfare of the Cairn Terrier, to provide education to its membership and the public, and to maintain a high standard of practice in the owning and breeding of Cairn Terriers. This code details for its members the minimum practices necessary to uphold the objectives of the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club, the Cairn Terrier Club of America, and the American Kennel Club.

    As a member of the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club I agree:

    1. To protect the integrity of the Cairn Terrier and to promote the improvement of the breed in accordance with the breed standard. I will breed to the standard established by the Cairn Terrier Club of America and approved by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
    2. I will breed only bitches and dogs that, to the best of my knowledge, are free from genetic defects affecting the health of offspring. I will consider breeding genetically compromised dogs or bitches only for the express purpose of test breedings to determine a genetic component of a mate. I will place any offspring with full disclosure of the results of such breedings, as some may test free of problems and others may be affected or carriers. I will refuse stud service to bitches that are unhealthy, unregistered, younger than 1 (one) year of age, of unsound temperament, or whose owners’ primary purpose is not the preservation and betterment of the breed.
    3. Unless I am willing to keep offspring for life, I will refrain from breeding. I agree to take back any dog of my breeding until suitable new owners are found and do everything in my power to prevent any dog of my breeding from entering any situation that would require the assistance of rescue organizations or animal shelters.
    4. Should I assess any Cairn Terrier of my breeding as unsuitable for reproducing, I will register the dog with Limited Registration and/or inform the buyer of this in writing.
    5. When negotiating the terms of a breeding, I will disclose all relevant health and genetic information to any prospective breeder or stud owner.
    6. My puppies and adults will always receive quality health care, nutrition, socialization, and appropriate human contact. The Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club recommends that puppies be placed in a new home no earlier than twelve (12) weeks of age.
    7. I will not sell or otherwise release any Cairn Terrier to any commercial facility, puppy broker, pet shop, “puppy mill,” or their agents. I will not offer any dog for the purpose of raffles, auctions, or as contest prizes.
    8. My placement contract will include a clear statement of the terms of replacement of or refund for any dog I sell or place to protect both myself and the buyer.
    9. I will make available to all novice Cairn owners the benefit of my experience to help educate and mentor them in raising and caring for their Cairn Terrier(s).
    10. I shall not impugn the reputation of another member through gossip or criticism of the quality of his or her breeding stock or other kennel matters. I will practice open, honest, and civil communication with any member with whom I have a disagreement or dispute.
    11. I will foster a cooperative, helpful, welcoming and productive environment at dog shows, obedience trials and all other events. I will value, practice, and promote sportsman-like conduct and communication among members and with the public.
    12. In addition to following this Code of Ethics, I will abide by the Code of Ethics of the Cairn Terrier Club of America as well as all AKC rules and regulations including—but not limited to—record keeping, registration, the sale and transfer of dogs, and sportsmanship.

    8/1/2006 adopted

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