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  • CRCTC Membership

    Application and Process

    Membership applications may be obtained from any Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club Member or downloaded from the club web site (below).

    New members must be sponsored by two (2) Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club members in good standing.

    Completed applications, along with membership dues, will be submitted to the Club Treasurer. The Club Treasurer will maintain a database of club members names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

    The Treasurer will forward completed and conforming membership applications to the Club Secretary for presentation at the next club meeting. Meeting minutes will record any applications read and the membership will have until the following club meeting to consider each applicant. Members with questions or concerns about an applicant are advised to address them to the sponsors for clarification, either immediately on presentation, or prior to next club meeting.

    At each club meeting, any applications presented at the previous meeting will be voted on. Prior to the vote, brief statements may be made for or against any applicant; questions regarding the application or the applicants should be addressed with the secretary or the sponsors prior to the meeting.

    Once the application has been presented to the membership and voted on, the Club Secretary will send notification of the outcome of the vote to the applicant. If approved, a welcome note will be included, providing the new member with details of club meetings, upcoming events, and web site address.

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