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September 2023 Brags

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Vicky bragged: Aggie, GCH CH Quail Creek Dishing The Dirt of Adderbury SIN SEN SCN Passed CGC Test at the TAO Match Sept 2 at Brush Prairie WA.

Debbie Bragged: GCHB Joywood's Miss Brookes O'Quentessential @ TuSchus FDC RN FITB earned her Rally Intermediate title at Enumclaw on 8/13/23; earned her FITB in August 2023; qualified for her CTCA Silver Versatility Award; and Debbie and Bob are celebrating their 30th anniversary on 9/11/23

Peggy bragged: Elroy participated in AKC sniff trials on 9/1 and 9/2 qualifying in advanced exteriors (2x) and advance interiors. Dundee participated in AKC sniff trial qualifying in advanced exteriors, interiors, and containers; he participated in an NACSW NW1 trial on 9/3 qualifying in 3 of the 4 elements and he was the cutest dog there.

Hilary bragged: Drake completed his master buried title at the McMinnville trial, which gave him his overall Scent Work Master title. He placed 2nd in the buried search, and had a first place in a master exterior search, and a 2nd place in a detective qualifier.

Betsy bragged: GCh Ch Cairngorm & Crofters Dream Maris Piper, "Mario"  passed the CGCU test on September 2 and qualified on his third leg of Rally Intermediate for a new title at the PDOC/MHDPC Obedience and Rally trials in McMinnville, OR

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