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March 2023 Brags

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Peggy Appel

Cindi bragged: Billy Flynn "Razzle Dazzle 'Em" turned 10 on February 23rd. He is now an official veteran.

Debbie bragged: GCH Joywood's Amazing Grace Qwintessential @ TuShus FDC and GCH Joywood's Brodie McFee @ TuShus SE FDC both earned their Agility Course Test 2 JWN titles on January 13th.

Bobbie bragged: GCH CH Bonefy's King of the Roa DCAT went BOB Sunday at the PKC show and went on to a group 4 owner handled placement. Also, Ruby gave us four puppies on Saturday; 3 boys and 1 girl.

Hilary bragged: GCH CH Scotch Broom Golden Hind of the Isles (Drake) at a trial in Beaverton, Drake earned his level 3 Interior title at an NACSW Element Specialty trial. Drake is the first Cairn to earn any level 3 element specialty title. He place 2nd overall at the trial. At an NASCW trial in Lebanon, Drake earned his third Nosework level three title which earned him the Elite title (NW3-E). He is the 4th Cairn to earn this title. AND Kinloch's Foxglove (Lucy) has begun her scentwork journey and is happily attending classes.

Ilene bragged: GCH Kahlil Cool Holiday Romance FCAT ATT went Group One at Ridgefield PKC and BOB on Saturday in Albany.

Vicki bragged: KinLoch's Captain Jack at Sandy Lane was WD 2 days and BOW 1 day picking up two majors with a total of 8 points at Puyallup in January.  This was his first time in the 'big leagues' (for points).His mother "Sunny", Ch KinLoch's Bandon Dunes FDC ME ATT finished her Grand Championship up there also. At Rose City Jack was WD 3 of the 4 days he was shown.  At our Specialty he was WD and Best Puppy. He left Rose City needing 2 points to his Championship. In February at the Albany shows, Jack was BOW and Best OH on Friday, BOW on Saturday finishing his Championship and Select on Sunday.

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