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    02 June 2021 02:00 AM

    I will attach the minutes from our may meeting soon  and Agenda when it is available. 
    Because of the Covid 19 virus we will do both a telephone and video chat meeting for updating the board on specialty, etc.. Choose which ever you are comfortable with.   See below for instructions.  
    VIDEO ACCESS to the same meeting room:
    If you would like to participate via video, please:
        1: go to https://www.freeconferencecall.com
        2: click 'join meeting'
        3: use online meeting id 'tquarles9'
    You will have to have click on the camera icon to activate your camera.
    DIAL IN:  dial-in number is (515) 604-9900 - this may be toll from your phone, it is your responsibility to check or call from a phone with unlimited long distance.  The conference access code is 803639. Expect to be prompted to identify yourself when you dial in so we know who is there.
    Dial-in and disconnect times and phone numbers are recorded by the conference call provider and will be provided to the secretary to make preparation of the minutes easier
    During the call, we will be being more respectful of those who wish to speak.  I'll continue to encourage everyone to participate, but rather than a 'free for all', I'll ask that when you wish to speak, you simply state your name, and I'll call on you to speak - please end your statement with something to indicate you're done, and I'll call on the next person - this way, people with loud phone voices won't dominate the conversation.
    Please call in on time - it is disruptive to have calls come in during the meeting.  We'll try to start the call 5 minutes or so early.
    2021-6-1 CLUB MEETING PHONE CONFERENCE agenda.docx

    Event details

    CRCTC Public 0 Comments
  • Calendar

    • 21 September 2024 Until 22 September 2024
      CRCTC annual earthdog tests are being held on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday September 22.
      Morning and afternoon tests on Saturday. Morning test on Sunday.
      Location:  Quarles property
      Refer to the attached premium list and entry form for all the details.
      crctc ed test premium list - sept 2024.pdf crctc ed entry form - sept 2024.pdf
    • 21 September 2024 01:00 AM Until 02:30 AM
      CRCTC is holding an earthdog practice prior to the tests on 9/21 and 9/22/
      Practice will be held from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. 
      $5 per dog per run.  Cash or check only
      No reservation needed.
    • 21 September 2024 09:00 PM
      The next CRCTC Board Meeting will be held on on September 21st after the earthdog test finishes for the day (approximately 2:00 ish) at the Quarles.
      If a need arises for the board to meet prior to that date, a conference call or zoom meeting will be held.
      Call in option: 605-472-5789
      Access code: 2420206
    • 28 September 2024 04:00 PM
      Calling all Cairn Terriers ...
      ... to walk with their people to benefit the Pongo Fund!
      Sponsored by the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club. Proceeds benefit (thepongofund.org), Oregon’s only full-time charity focused on fighting animal hunger! Suggested donation - $20/family; additional donations appreciated!
      Saturday September 28, 2024. 
      Registration/check in: 9AM. Walk starts: 9:30AM. Commonwealth Lake Park, Portland (Cedar Hills),
      Sign Up for TotoTrot Learn More
      Prefer paper?
      Print Flyer
      Preregistration by 9/21/24 by mail/check; $20 payable to CRCTC and signed, completed registration to:
      Debbie Blanchard, Toto Trot
      8119 NE 186th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98682
      Questions to: 503-970-8446 (phone or text)
      Day-of, on-site registration welcome. Exact change appreciated!
      The Pongo Fund
      The Pongo Fund is Oregon’s only full-time charity focused on fighting animal hunger. Because hungry people have hungry pets. We work tirelessly to reduce shelter populations and keep families together by providing emergency pet food assistance to anyone in honest need. Protecting beloved family pets from the suffering, starvation, surrender, abandonment or worse, when a lack of food, but not a lack of love, is their only enemy.
      The Kibble Report
      Meals Served: 30 Million Animals Helped: 207,000
      Vital Veterinary Care: Yes we do Spay & Neuter: We do that too Lives Saved: Beyond Measure!
      Helping the animals of proud seniors, brave Veterans, the victimized, the marginalized, the unemployed, the disabled, the mentally ill, the hungry, the hurting, the homeless, and good people facing the toughest of times. That’s what The Pongo Fund does. Because sometimes we all can use a little extra help.
      The Pet Food Bank
      The Pet Food Bank is the heart and soul of The Pongo Fund. A no frills warehouse packed with thousands of bags of nutritious dog and cat food. Staffed by a volunteer driven team that numbers more than 100. It is a place filled with love. Love and food. Food that stands at the ready to be shared with anyone in honest need when they are temporarily unable to keep their own pets fed. Because when people must choose what to cut from their grocery lists, pets often are among those that suffer most.
    • 01 October 2024
      Submit your favorite Cairn Terrier photos for the 2025 CRCTC Calendar!
      Hi all Cairn Terrier photographers! It’s time to submit your favorite photos of your Cairn buddies for the 2025 CRCTC calendar fundraising event!

      Send full size (or cropped) at full resolution photos of your favorite Cairns to Debbie Blanchard, dablanchard@comcast.net, by October 1.  If scanning, please scan at 300 DPI. 
      No reminders will be sent so please note the October 1 date on your calendar!   And send them soon!  We can't use what we don’t receive, so please get them in asap! (Thank you!) 
      Please ensure you have permission of the photographer to submit.  Please include the name of the Cairn(s), Owners name(s) and Home city, state.
      Preorder Your 2025 CRCTC Calendar
      Also don’t miss this great opportunity to support the club by purchasing this beautiful calendar which also make great gifts!   Calendars can be pre-ordered on our website in the near future. Link to come soon!
      Unfortunately we’ve had to raise the pickup price a bit to $25 due to rising production costs; add $5 for shipping in the USA.  Contact Debbie re: destinations outside the US at 503-970-8446 or dablanchard@comcast.net and for other questions.
      Thank you for supporting the CRCTC!
    • 23 November 2024
      The goal is to give you the information and experience you need to continue your training on your own or with your friends.
      The participating dogs will be worked in two separate sessions. All attendees will receive a packet of information, including outlines of all lecture material, training ideas and an outline for training progression.
      The seminar will be filled on a prepaid, first-come, first serve basis. You will also be asked to sign a release on the day of the event.
      For details including contact information and a registration link, see www.crctc.org/tracking
    • 01 February 2025
      Dues be due 🎼🎷be doo be doo be do. Takin' care of business: https://www.crctc.org/store/category/10-dues/

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