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  • Waiver and Release

    Event Registration, Entry, and Participation

    My signature or online acknowledgement of this document by checkbox or form submission is my consent as Participant to its terms.

    This document is a full and complete release from any and all liability that may arise. This release is given freely and voluntarily and remains in effect throughout the duration of my presence at the event and for any period of time in association with the event and/or related activities, whether or not I or others are, or are not, found to be negligent while handling or near a dog, or any obstacle or hazard, whether natural or man-made.

    I certify by making this entry that I am the actual owner of the dog or dogs participating, or that I am a duly authorized or permitted agent of the owner, acting with full and complete personal responsibility for the dog's or dogs' welfare and behavior.

    By my participation in any aspect of or activity at this event I agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing this event and any decisions made in accordance with them; further, I agree that the participation of the dog(s) entered, and my own participation, will be AT MY OWN RISK and that I will hold the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club, and all their members and officers free from liability for any claims arising out of me or my dog's presence or participation at this event.

    I understand and accept that I am personally responsible for all aspects of my dog's safety and my own safety at this event.

    Photo and video release. My signature or online acknowledgement of this document further authorizes the Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club to use images of me and my family, if any, for noncommercial publication or to promote or document the events the club sponsors or participates in.

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