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  • Betsy Peets

    When my last beloved dog, Poli, passed away in 2004 I decided I needed a small dog in my life.  I was very sure of the TYPE of dog just wasn't sure of the breed.  I wanted a big dog in a little body with intelligence and personality.  I have had dogs, mostly mixed breeds, in my life but I'd always wanted to try showing a dog.  One dog I remember we had growing up was a beagle/fox terrier girl.  I loved the attitude and intelligence she showed.  She was easy to train and we never had any problems with her so I was thinking terrier was a good choice.  I used the internet and went to shows and found the Welsh, Soft Coated Wheaton and Cairn terriers were to my liking.  I talked to a Cairn  breeder and decided to meet at the Rose City Classic Dog show in Portland in January.  Little did I know it was the biggest show west of the Mississippi!!  I went to watch them at the ring, I was told never to bother anyone before they go into the ring.  The Breeder was in the ring with the sire of the puppies, he was incredible!!  Stood beautifully while the judge was looking but, when her back was turned they played then "snap" back into position when she was looking again.  I had to have one of those pups!!

    Cairngorm Shot in the Dark - AKA Happy.  Happy was born 1/7/2005 and is kind of feeling his age now but still insists on working for treats.  Happy is a performer in more than one way.  He did 5 productions of The Wizard of Oz in the Portland area.  4 at high school productions and his last was with the Pixie Dust Production, a professional group.  He loves to do tricks and has quite a stash of them.  Happy has all these titled at the end of his name:  BN, RE NAP NJP SE CAA CGCA TKP

    More later



    Tigard, OR
    Betsy Peets
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