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2005 B/OB Match

December 4, 2005
Vancouver, Washington 

Obedience Judge: Marsha Dandridge
Obedience – 18 total

1 Novice A
5 Novice B = 4 Qualified 
4 Open A = 3 Qualified
2 Open B = 2 Qualified
6 Utility = 2 Qualified                

High in Match:  #203 Australian Shepherd “Ruger” Owned by Penny Harvey

High Scoring Cairn in Match: #106 Quail Creek’s Cold Water Diver SE Owned by Marie & Tom Quarles

Class & Junior Judge: Karen Herrold
Junior Showmanship – 2 total

Junior = Kyle Corbett and Ch Joywood’s Movin’ On Up
Senior = Jessica Goodman and KinLoch’s Kendall Hart
Best Junior Showman: #006 Jessica Goodman

Conformation – 13 total

6-9 Puppy Dog                                      

1st #13 = Joywood’s Ace High; Owned by Barbara & Larry McNamee

2nd #11 = KinLoch’s Marshall Canyon; Owned by Mark & Beth Laufer and Vicki Havlik 

9-12 Puppy Dog

1st #19 = Kiowa’s Misty Meadows Lord of the Rings; Owned by Bobbie & Neil Fykerud and Susan McAlpin

2nd #17 = Cairngorm Shot in the Dark; Owned by Betsy Peets and Pat Gentry

9-12 Puppy Bitch

1st #24 = Cairngorm Constant Comment; Owned by Pat Gentry

Best Puppy: #13 Joywood’s Ace High

12-18 Month Dog

1st #15 = Qwentessential’s Parker O’ Joywood; Owned by Ted Akimoto and Barbara McNamee

12-18 Month Bitch

1st #20 = Cherbo’s Disney; Owned by Marie Quarles and Vicki Havlik

2nd #22 = Qwentessential’s Erin at Joywood; Owned by Barbara McNamee

Open Bitch

1st #18 = Quail Creek’s American Beauty; Owned by Marie and Tom Quarles

2nd #14 = KinLoch’s Quail Run; Owned by Vicki Havlik and Marie Quarles

3rd #12 = Robinsend Still Echoing SE; Owned by Peggy Appel and Brad LaBroad 

4th #10 = KinLoch’s Kendall Hart; Owned by Vicki Havlik

5th #16 = KinLoch’s Upper Deck FDCH; Owned by Rachel Westlund

Best Adult: #18 Quail Creek’s American Beauty


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