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About the Venue

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Board meeting at Tom & Marie Quarles at 3:00p, Saturday, June 1, 2016
Dial-in and disconnect times and phone numbers are recorded by the conference call provider and will be provided to the secretary to make preparation of the minutes easier
Please call in on time - it is disruptive to have calls come in during the meeting.  We'll try to start the call 5 minutes or so early.
Expect to be prompted to identify yourself when you dial in so we know who is there.
Understand that you are not technically attending the meeting - the AKC does not recognize telephone presence in meetings of regional clubs, so you don't count towards the Quorum of the meeting, and you are not able to vote. Physical presence at the meeting is always preferable.
The dial-in number is (515) 604-9900 - this may be toll from your phone, it is your responsibility to check or call from a phone with unlimited long distance.  The conference access code is 803639.
These calls will be set up for all meetings, regular and board, for a trial period - if they work well, they will continue indefinitely.
2019-6-1 board agenda.docx

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  • Darleen Chester
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