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Eye Clinic


Peggy Appel
CRCTC Public

Save the Date!!

The annual CRCTC eye clinic is scheduled for Sunday, April 21st at the Quarles (24491 S Larkin Road Beavercreek)

Dogs can be registered between 10 AM - 12 PM. Evaluations will be done until all dogs have been examined.

Please don't arrive before 9:30 AM.

Cost:  $30 for Cairns. $35 for all other breeds.

No charge for AKC Registered Cairn Terriers 10 years of age or older. 

For owners with multiple dogs we will alternate dogs between owners to make things flow more smoothly.

No reservations required or accepted - first come, first served. 

Dogs may be light sensitive and have depth perception changes that day so be cautious doing other activities (like agility or similar) with them that day  

Be sure to have your dog's AKC reg number and microchip/tattoo numbers to put on the form. 

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