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Cairntastic Day

Brad LaBroad
CRCTC Public

Event details

Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club invites you and your Cairn Terrier to a Cairntastic Day Saturday, August 31, 2013 at Milo McIver Park , Estacada, OR.

This event is free! The park itself charges a Day Use parking fee of $5 - payable at the booth on your way into the park.

Fun and Games begin at 10:00 AM and last until you leave. This year we're all about the picnic, socializing, and having low-key fun with our two and four legged friends. There will be assorted activities for people and dogs.

Lunch will be pot luck with the club providing basics.


Barley Cup Challenge Racing - In memory of the first (and three-time) "Fastest Cairn Terrier in the Northwest" we have commissioned the Barley Cup. Anyone wishing to compete for possession of the traveling Barley Cup may enter an optional Trophy Dash competition, which will run all day amidst the regular FREE! racing. Details available during sign-in at the picnic.

Event goes on rain or shine. Bring shade for your dogs and a comfortable chair for yourself. (There are also picnic tables around if you're traveling light.)

Can't wait to see you and your Cairns there! Stay tuned and check back for more information as the date approaches.

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