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Site Software Updated

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Brad LaBroad

What Happened?

The site software has been updated for security and performance.

This recent update is substantial and will noticeably affect the look-and-feel of the site. The new appearance should be easier to maintain over the long haul but it will be considerably less customized.

What Next?

Our site uses many third-party add-ons to provide additional features and functionality beyond that of the core software. Updating these third-party add-ons  will be on-going for an indeterminate period of time but generally do not take the forum off-line. Some features (for example, sticky notes) may no longer be available for the new software version or substantially delayed. 

If you experience unexpected behavior while using the site, please post in the support forum so that I can track and document any issues that need addressing (and to alert other site users of the issue). 

Thank You

 Thank you for your patience as we sort out the after-effects of this major update.

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